4th-6th July 2023

Oxford Brookes University

A three-day hybrid conference exploring sound and music on screen.

The Sound on Screen Research Unit at Oxford Brookes are excited to invite you to join us for the second Sound on Screen conference, featuring 3 days of interdisciplinary panels of presentations from a range of scholars and practitioners exploring the relationship between music and/or sound and the screen. 

We are pleased to welcome keynote speaker Nick Reyland and have a varied selection of panels including: Music and Place, Violence, Silence, Social and New media, Video games, Approaches to Film music, Documentaries, Music outside the film, Television, Pre- and post-existing music, and Fantasy.

This conference will be held in person at our Headington campus in Oxford and live online.

We have worked hard to keep our fees as low as possible, and have a range of pricing options available.  Please register here for the conference by June 23rd (whether you are attending online or in person). Please note that we have a two-step registration process as detailed on our Eventbrite page and that both steps must be completed to secure your registration. Ticket prices include refreshments and lunch for those attending in person. An optional conference dinner (at delegates' own expense) will take place on the Tuesday night - please indicate whether you wish to attend when you register on Eventbrite.

See the Conference Essentials pages for our schedule and information about fees, travel, and visiting Oxford

Further information can be requested by contacting soundonscreen@outlook.com

We look forward to seeing you there!

The programme committee consists of  Dr. Jan Butler (Senior Lecturer in Popular Music), Dr. James Cateridge (Senior Lecturer in Film), Dr. Matt Lawson (Senior Lecturer in Music), and Dr. Lindsay Steenberg (Reader in Film Studies), with administrative support from Lou Bailey and Alessandra Palidda.

The Conference is organised with the support of the Centre of Research in the Arts (CoRA)